Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One Who Treats Ailments Of The Skin Is An

September 30, 2010 August 30, 2010

a month ago ... being a mom is wonderful but tiring .. in a good way for charity ..
both me and roberto arrive in the evening cooked as ever .. touch the bed and sleep like two stones ...
the baby has colic ... poor .. but thank goodness there's Mylicon helps us a lot ...
is also very good .. the night is from 00:00 to 06:00 on the day then sleep one hour but not all together .. oh

Baby & Butterfly Sayings

August 30 my little Lisa was born ....

it was hard but after 16 hours of labor my little drummer came into the world ...

weighs 3,470 kg for 51 cm ....

September 2nd we returned home and from there began the Notre inieme adventure .....

Monday, October 11, 2010

Birthday Cake Ideas For A 13yr Old

Ninjutsu and Budo Taijutsu seminar in Bari

Renseikan The Dojo (Martial Bari Project ASD) and ASD Taranto Bujinkan Dojo is pleased to invite you to this unique and great event to be held in our region and specifically in Bari, in fact, from 29 to 30 January 2011 Bari will host the Master Giuseppe Costa 15th Dan pupil direct Soke Masaaki Hatsumi .

E 'must register by November 30, 2010, so for more information about the seminar, please visit the website www. bujinkanseminar.altervista.org or you can contact me directly via email, tel., or at www. progettomarziale.com .

Remember it is the first time that a Shihan (master) of this level will be here with us for a seminar / Stage, so enjoy!!

Until next time!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Causes Post Cervical Lymphadenopathy

After the Ten Chi Jin

We talked about how the Ten Chi Jin no Maki is Ryaku the program that contains the basis of the nine schools Bujinkan and we also saw how the Taijutsu is created by the constant study of it.

But what happens after you have learned the Ten Chi Jin?

You learn about the schools, you learn the weapons, the Sessho Jupp, etc. ... In fact, if you look closer the response is natural and it is another and so on another Ten Chi Jin, then so infinitely.

I read just recently made an example on comparing this process to a spring where he finished the first cycle of learning, if they start another one with another but of Ten a higher level.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chicken Wings Wholesale Price


Loads and ready to start their sports this year, we are pleased to announce the official reopening of all courses of Renseikan Dojo Martial Art Project at the Palestra in Via Trento, 84 in Bari
will be active from Monday 6 September all courses Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu, Kendo, Iaido, Kenjutsu, Kyusho Jitsu, etc. ...
For schedules in force this year, I refer you to the site www.progettomarziale.com or contact us via facebook, email and so on ...
not miss important appointments during the year, so we will try to always update on time.
We wait for any trial lessons and other information.
Bufu Ikkan

Friday, July 16, 2010

Things You Should Not Do With Wax For Eyebrows

The iPhone

The idea is not 'not new, but when applied to one of the most tech gadgets' beloved of the moment, which becomes an obligation to talk about it here.

FlirtMaps and 'an iPhone app that lets you search and contact with registered singles profile on a map. One way to meet singles certainly convenient for in your area. Convenient, free and available on the App Store.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Install Small 10 Inch Closet Rod On Wall

Please wait

As someone who reads this blog will already know a little 'project is currently parked.

0.2 The game is already playable, and then I decided to focus my energies on a project underwritten by a lot more time: my fantasy RPG from which it was derived this RL.

project abandoned? No, just parked to make room for other projects not less important. All in all this RL planning I reached goals that I never dreamed of and I consider him a good result. But Obviously I want to finish the job started, I hoped to do so by 2010 but I know you will go beyond.

But it's not a problem, I have until 21 December 2012 no? : D

Monday, July 5, 2010

Free Sample Of Coat Drive Donation Letter

soulmate soul mate is based on musical tastes

The idea was born in the UK, and part of the site Tastedbuds.fm . The idea
'simple: you search for 's boys and girls single and looking for a soul mate based on musical tastes.

The site also takes advantage of the profiles of Last.fm, in that if you have an account last.fm you can simply enter your data without having to hand-loading your favorite bands, and the site shows you a preview of people with musical taste similar to yours. This seems

pero 'claims only as a preview,' cause once you have registered bisognera 'hand again, however, fill your profile.

The idea is nice and original.
For now, there seems little Italian members, but for people looking for a partner abroad you can 'start right away.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Culinary Student Cover Letter

Courses What is the basis of Budo Taijutsu?

A program put together by Hatsumi Sensei in the eighties as a core curricula for beginners, the Ten Chi Jin no Maki Ryaku, the best system ever created to give a martial artist the opportunity to develop his creativity. Without this, no student can truly understand the essence of the teachings of Hatsumi Sensei.
Ryaku The Ten Chi Jin no Maki is based on the three levels of life: sky, earth and man. The man is the connection between earth and sky.

The Ten Ryaku working with distances, angles and movements. Chi Ryaku works with the biomechanical aspect of the various waza that can be applied once Uke reached bulls (gyaku, nage, thorite). The Jin Ryaku is a series of about 50 Waza taken from nine schools to show the interaction of Waza and movements.
a black belt in Bujinkan should be familiar with the Ten Chi Jin no Maki Ryaku, so that each technique shown may appear at the end of a set of key pieces taken from the Ten Chi Jin. Without this basic knowledge you will not be able to go very far in the Bujinkan system. The heart of "kokoro no budo" is in the Ten Chi Jin no Maki Ryaku.

Training in the Dojo is fundamental to the study of the Ten Chi Jin, I remember when I started there were not many resources in Italian can be used as references for the study. Fortunately, with time it started to come out of the material to help in the study of Budo Taijutsu, as the "aircraft technical Budo Taijutsu", remember? I use it and I've shown in the dojo. How could you see this text contains elements that are part of the first part of its Ten Chi Jin no Maki Ryaku, the Ten Ryaku, this is part of the series "Quaderni Technicians Budo Taijutsu "created to meet all the needs of the study of practitioners of our discipline.

But keep in mind that even though your notes are important, we must learn to study the best of our ability, using all means at our disposal.

All this is for us just like learning the alphabet, without knowing the alphabet we are now able to read and write? ...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Best Sanitary Belt Uk

Demonstration of Budo Taijutsu in the White Night

During the Notte Bianca in Bari on June 5, 2010 at our gym are asked to prepare a martial arts demonstration to celebrate ' event, so in about a week, we organized and we have prepared a small demonstration of what martial arts are practiced in our dojo.

A special thanks goes to the kids who are pledging to prepare.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who Is Raven Riley Dating

Magic 0.0.6 - Special Abilities

I decided not to take me by the enthusiasm of the last test on the spells and then start to plan everything from the base.

But first things first.

Finite Fire Arrow on the test I started to see those on the operation of Explosion incatesimi explosives. Unless some animation problems that should be easy to solve, the spell explosion is fully operational. So, my Wizards, soon you will have your brilliant fireball. Then

But I decided to take a step back. I started designing all six special abilities and so now you can, when creating your character, choose their own special abilities. During the game you can increase your special abilities with the points increase. However, the initial choice is binding only to increase the skill choices, so even in this case we must be careful and actually understand what you want from the character.

hardiness (solid) is the only special ability that already works. The other I have to turn them slowly.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Catchy Phrase For 2nd Birthday

Magic 0.0.3 - Testing techniques

I started the development of the part which would eventually bring the game to have a small system of magic. I believe that this step is a kind of turning point: it is rather complicated, so if he means that I passed a rock not indifferent, but if I fail it will stop everything.

However, I conducted the first experiments and launched the first spell (fire arrow) killing a kobold. The problem lies in the animations of spells and throwing weapons in general: to be improved a lot because sometimes cut corners and walls. I've also done some experiments on explosive spells (fireball for fans of D & D) and I must say that it was better.

Next week I will continue the experiments in order to have more types of spells.

I have not decided who will form the spellbook spells of a magician: there are presently 10, but could also be more, perhaps using the function keys.

We'll see.

Spots On French Bulldog

ようこそ Youkoso! (Welcome)

Welcome to the Blog of Bari Renseikan Dojo, a martial arts dojo tradizonali Japanese site near the center of the city of Bari
Our Dojo is hosted by Gym ASD Project Martial located in Via Trento, 84 in Bari
In our Dojo we practice disciplines such as: BUDO Taijutsu (Bujinkan) is also known as "ninjutsu, Kendo, Iaido and KEN JUTSU Ono ha Itto Ryu, is covered by the study of Kyusho JUTSU as other topics.
So this blog is for all Buyu (martial friends) who do not frequent the Dojo and will be pleased to share with us experiences, knowledge, news, etc. ...
Happy reading and training to all ...
Bufu Ikkan!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Glucosamine That Really Works

I decided what the next step of the game and I guess you understand the title.

Magic is an essential element of any fantasy game also has a game like Arcan Myth thought to be low magic (very very low magic).

I already know that the development of this part will take some time away, so I do not think the new release will come out as fast as the previous one. In this case I have to create a class for spells, the whole procedure for storing, managing the book of magic, animation of the various spells and the more you have, and so forth.

spells will still be similar to those of Arcan Myth, although I think you start with a list of 10/20 spells and then enlarge over time. Will be enhanced only in the effect and not in direct range, area of \u200b\u200beffect and other parameters as it would be too difficult and heavy to emphasize these aspects. The magician, he will have the ability, will set the power of his spells as though it were a mode (eg searching) and more power also means more waste of mana.

the light I think of all this is difficult to compile a table of actual targets, then maybe refer to later when I have very clear how to build certain things.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Discount Exterior Shutters Ottawa

Arcan Myth Magic 0.2.1

Tonight I released version 0.2.1 which brings the code to the latest version of Tango and DMD and fixes critical bug that I mentioned in my last post.

In fact I added a couple of new creatures for the first few levels to make them more different.

development platform is now complete and I can finally start these tests.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Graves Disease Treatment

Bug RL, compilers, and technical problems

How sapetelo roguelike development is stopped to pull me a bit 'breath and make room for my other activities (Kung Verona was for example), but I nevertheless decided to continue to test the game engine to decide what would be the part to be developed to arrive at 0.3.

But a problem arose.

fact the 0.2 has a critical bug that occurs from the seventh level of the dungeon down: in practice, when you enter one of these levels there is the possibility that the game crashes (segmentation fault) in an array result of chance with the wrong size. I fixed the bug on Saturday night but then I have not had time to replace the package to download.

The problem is that Saturday I also decided to reinstall the operating system (Kubuntu) in its latest version (4.10), saving data and reformatting. The thing is successful and, beyond the obvious problems of settling in, I'm pretty happy.

But the surprise comes for the D-Tango. In fact, before reinstalling I made sure that the packages were ready to Tango the new version, but they were not supported by DSSS, my favorite compiler. Asking on the forum I was told that there was a new project called LDC that would somehow supplanted DSSS no longer supported. So glad I was able to reinstall.

Things have gone a bit 'differently: LDC did not want to compile my sources, but mostly because the new version of Tango had changed several libraries. Once aligned, and downloaded gcc, I could use to build LDC. Again, however, the comnado for LDC plans to list all files that are imported, which was not the case with DSSS and that made him so useful.

But I'm not so picky: in short, if LDC offers greater performance are also willing to create a bash script to compile all my.

But the real problems here were born. The latest compilation

LDC creates an executable slow, but very slow: imagine that they are not even able to start it because after 10 minutes I was waiting for initialization to end I gave up and went to bed.

I decided to return to DMD, the with that command I had to make a list of all files, then so be it. Tested just now the game is back to his usual speed and then all, at least for the moment, is solved.

I groped to reinstall anyway :-) DSSS We

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Punnett Squares Using Horses

Arcan Myth RL 0.2

. A little over two months after 0.1 comes this new version (available in downloads page ) introducing all the new predetermined, thus reaching his goal. The game, for those who have only tried the 0.1, is substantially distorted.

The change of interface, the tactical possibilities, the variety and size of the dungeon, the differentiation of skills and lots of weapons little touches make this version like a rogue is more pleasant (and harder) to play.

However, the development for a while 'stop here. In fact, I sort of decided to take a break from the game for testing that will start the development of 0.3. In the meantime I'll still be available for the management and resolution of bugs .

But we'll talk about later.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

What Does A Size 12/14 Woman Look Like

Cave 0.5.9 - Specialization and variety

This week was very productive and all created things have approached the development version of that publication.

Now the game has 4 different types of dungeons, adding variety to the usual standard format only dungeon rooms and corridors. These new models but will not be available in the early levels as make the game more difficult because they allow the creatures to approach the player with ease: perhaps I should limit this aspect but I look some feedback from my testers.

I added new skills for weapons. Basically now you can not use any weapon with the same skills: FIGHT has been relegated to only a bare hand fighting. The skills are added for different types of weapon and have different costs: Little weapons (dagger and knife), Axes (Agree and Axe), Swords (Sword and Short Sword), Sabres (Saber and Scimitar), Maces (Mazza and Morning Star), Pole Weapons (Spear and Halberd) and 2 Hands Weapons (War Hammer, Battle Axe, and Broadsword 2-handed). For bows and crossbows is one skill (Throw). Of course, more is the ability to handle powerful weapons, the greater the cost in terms of points increase, but must be considered that the arms are strongest at lower levels and weapons in two hands does not allow you to use the weapon room. I introduced the Mini-

(control m) where they can see a rough map of the area explored in miniature: this is to be improved to make it more visually pleasing and perhaps give more information about the dungeon itself.

The death of the character is visually in a different way: essentially disappears from the dungeon, and if there will be sources of light, you will see creatures moving around or away from the battle zone. Press ESC to return to the main screen.

Apart from removal of some minor bugs, I think that's all. By now the specifications for the 0.2 have been far exceeded, then I will spend this week doing tests and fixing bugs that I will report. But I hope to publish before next Thursday. We'll see :-)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Audit Sample Size Calculator

Cave 0.4.8 - Do not underestimate the enemy

As I predicted in last week's post these days I concentrated on improving the development of intelligence artificial creatures.

The AI \u200b\u200bis then improved, but it is not the final version, is simply that it is enough for now. Now essentially a creature chasing mr @ to attack without making random movements and also to get past smaller obstacles: However the biggest obstacles blocking creatures, but this will be resolved when I decide to further improve the algorithm. The creatures are also attempting, as far as possible, to avoid each other to focus attacks on the common enemy: I have not added the option to not attack a creature unless it is a prerogative of the creature that attacks, partly because I wire this to the race of the creature same: maybe it's easier for a goblin attacks rather than a centipede another goblin or an orc relative.

I also fixed some minor bugs, such as written rescue corrupt exit from the game and the appearance, seemingly random, new creatures when they were killing each other.

With this improvement culminating in the targeted for 0.2, but as I said I wait before posting to try to offer a greater variety in random dungeons. But I hope that the publication will happen soon, perhaps within two weeks.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Receiver And Motion Dector Transmitter

Cave 0.4.4 - Battle Tactics

This week was much more productive than last, and in fact have been added several features that are going to complete the table that I had written in this post in early March. From this version

holding two weapons, you are entitled to an attack in addition: the ability to ambidexterity however need to bring it effectively, because the last attack will be led with skill by the lower of battle and ambidexterity. This rule is identical to that present in role-playing game Arcan Myth of which I am co-author.

You can also set the type of attack, whether normal or multiplied: in the latter case, you are entitled to two connections (with the main weapon) but the first will have a malus of -2 and -4 in the second. It Therefore, setting the melee attack and holding a second weapon you can make 3 different attacks and skills can make this well-researched mr @ a fearsome warrior.

course was added a control that distinguishes the weapons for which they serve two hands (great weapons or thrown weapons) and the other which is sufficient for one hand.

The random dungeon generation has improved, I have basically eliminated the "doors flying" thus making the most credible underground and thus concludes this part.

At present the only feature that has remained outside the remit of the popular table is the improved AI of the creatures that still account do next week. However I do not think the 0.2 release because I wanted to further improve the part of the random dungeon creation: in fact I'd be able to build other functions for generating different types of dungeons from the usual corridor room, or to ensure that the creation of the rooms used Special instead of the standard.

Anyway I hope will not take much.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bounty Absorption Rate

Cave 0.3.9 - Let us arm ourselves to the teeth

Last week, I have not continued to develop due to a nasty flu that has slowed down the work for this week. Things are still a lot to do, but the publication of 0.2 is not distantissima, I think. These days I

mdoficato the function that generates the dungeon to ensure that corridors are only perpendicular to each other: I considered it well enough before making it final, but playing in a dungeon more "square" seems much more fun than not that that was generated earlier. I also left more space between one room and one for even less confusing.
Another thing is the opportunity to challenge the second weapon, but this can still be used in combat Fortunately, the recent refactoring will allow me to change the combat system in stroke.

feature I'm working on other more "hidden" for convenience when creating or loading of the character.

I hope next week is more productive.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Denise Milani Breast Expansion

Cave 0.3.2 - "surround them!"

This week, the development has resumed normal rhythm to the game by making other small features and news.

First, the death system has been completed, so when the life points fall to below half of the total start trouble: have a good saving throw in the constitution will be good for those who want to hope to get by in desperate situations. The system works even death for the creatures, so it will be easier to take them out, but not for the undead: the mummy becomes a pretty formidable opponent and we must be very careful in the third level onwards.

The combat system now lets the player choose whether to bet on parade or evasive with regard to the defense parry has more disadvantages than advantages, but can not defend himself even if one has the ability to dodge and this is not whereas little has the ability to evade double cost and therefore consumes a lot of points. A strategy that focuses on parade with the weapon and sull'alzare saving throw in the constitution could be anything but stupid. Parry making it possible to use the skill FIGHT place to escape, but if the opponent has a weapon in size than ours are going to have pretty heavy penalty in the parade itself. The thing is, as always, even for creatures. The Z mode allows you to switch between block and dodge mode (block / evade).

Now everyone can make one per round defense. This works to the detriment of the character that, if you find yourself surrounded, will remain unprotected in the face of attacks. However I put a minimum threshold (20) to strike an opponent helpless but conscious: below this threshold is missing the target. This change is already structured to deploy defenses more and more attacks per round per round, which is another feature planned for 0.2 and I hope to implement next week.

Finally, as a last treat, this version you can choose the name of his character and thus have several save

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Super Chargers For V-10 Ford Trucks

Discover the telling and reading a book by its ...!

It's always nice to see the creations of young students, and even more so when these students are bright and well prepared. What is striking is precisely the critical spirit that emerges during the presentation of a book that you read and where we get involved.
This happens in a classroom of many of the Ca 'Foscari one morning in February, not so sunny. Two students rise from their seats and make sure we explain how to dream and to understand others through literature. In this case, the Arabic literature. Many times we wonder if the speaker of this "other" has never tried to know, beyond borders and stereotypes. Have you ever tried to think like him, to live in his shoes, to dream with your eyes, savor the flavors of distant lands. As stated in a English student, the East is not just the exotic and belly dancing, as well as Sushi or silk, but also people who compose it. Human beings who live real lives, and that the recount. Stories that can be simply those of a "Mario", a "Jean" or "Young." But bringing on themselves beautiful inlaid pieces of culture, civilization and life. And what does it matter how different from ours, if we remain the same feelings, dreams and passions. All this proves a fan who is close to the language, literature or simply to music of the least advertised and / or affected by business publishers or record companies. While, on the contrary, their works are worthy of attention and a level of detailed analysis.
books this plenary session, spoke of women, but not categorized or stamping the books as works of women. Are no roads and travel diaries on-board the two leading writers in the end to give and receive the answers they sought. The first is "Dunyazad" Telmissany of May which will be released only in Italy in September 2010, but which are available in French, English and English. It tells the story of a death, loss and pain. Why am I so hard join words into a single concept. Why the sense of this Death is a path that leads to the rebirth of life, a real pain treatment as a therapy. The greatest tragedy for a woman is the loss of the creature she is carrying, on his own ... of herself! The whole book is a dialogue of the private character who tries to overcome this loss, which affects the whole family. But it is not an autobiography, or at least the author does not define this. Like all these kinds of books are anonymous and fanciful name, such as this excerpt from "A Thousand and One Nights", which is the sister of Dunyazad Sherazad and also exactly what triggers the interest of the bloody king to the girl's bedtime stories . How anonymous
also starred in the "Test of honey", in Arabic burhs al'asal, Salwa al-Neimi. Published by Feltrinelli with an attractive and naked on the cover photo was sponsored with much success, given the sales as an erotic book Arabic. In reality it is simply a story a bit 'more spicy and speaking of classical Arabic literature that speaks of sexuality and eros. The first-person protagonist tells his stories sex with several men, as the Traveller, the Director, Editor, The Far and the Thinker, but who remain outside of history. Indeed the passion of this story is the librarian for the pleasure, that is the honey that flows, and is the result of this pleasure, enabled human beings! What emerges is that there is sexuality in the Arab world or the Muslim woman is allowed to try it, but the profound difference between two opposite poles such as the public and private dimensions. In a world where we can look at the contradictions arise only contrasts, that sexuality is part of the private, intimate, something that should not be shown to anyone but a person remains in itself.
As the title, which is based on a ruling of the mystic Ibn 'Arabi, "The proof of the sweetness of honey is the honey itself," encourages them to try. But not to exhibit. They would do well to ask many, majority of those who look with fear of this world if we infuse the private sphere should not really be maintained and preserved for themselves. And as for myself? Well what to say, after doing some 'zapping in the various Italian reality I think we should Porcel some questions! Tiziana

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Brazilian Japanese Woman

:-) I took a week of relaxation in the project by placing only a few things and some bugs.

First of all I gave up the color of life: the most green, yellow, wounded, and finally red in danger highlighted in red when there is a real risk of dying. This warning system will replace the wound making me gain space on the interface and finally introduces the system of dead-Arcan Myth, where there is risk of death below the mid-points of life with wounds not stabilized. This will make easier the death of Mr. @ is that of creatures, but will introduce the major advantage of Undead, which did not crack until it reaches zero.

I solved the bug instead of creatures which assigned to the same level, the same object: in fact this occurred when loading a save, then first-hand was not the case, which made it difficult to identify the problem.

A problem, however, yet to be resolved is the speed of loading an old save: now is very slow, not so much the size of the file, but for the extraction of creatures of various levels. Playing normally if I arrive at 6 or 7 of the dungeon without killing most of the creatures, saving and reloading I have a wait of 30 (!!!) seconds, something unthinkable for a game like that.

The solution however is not simple or recreate from scratch the functions of extraction or search for a way to optimize them. We'll see.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Best Heat Absorbing Mat For Laptop

Cave Cave 0.2.4 0.2.2 - 0.1.7 Reduction interface

With Cave 0.2.2 has been hit another set of objectives, namely to reduce the interface to be displayed in the space available in a console by default.

This might seem simple enough, but Linux has a console, usually 80 columns 24 rows from the first interface is very little. Among other things, the 24 lines, only 23 are usable in that when the number 24 is busy, the console screen scale-up of a line, thus automatically cutting off the top line of the interface.
Of course if I had not implemented the first scroll of the map that goal would have been realized, but they are quite happy to have solved all in one week.

However, the optimization of the game remains a bugged and I carry on even during the development of other features. That provision does not allow me to carry out some other ideas I had in mind, but to which I will not give up and then continue to reflect on how to gain new areas without the gameplay are affected.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

9151 Fisher Price Baby Gate

Cave - First Dungeon Random

The first experiments on randomly created dungeons are going well.

remain the problems mentioned in the post last week (the ones on the doors so to speak), but I added some goodies.

First is now the dungeon full of traps, secret doors and locked doors (the latter two are 5 / 10% of the total capacity) and the dungeon is now larger than about 1 / 3 compared to before.

I also added the scroll of the screen, hitting right now one of the features that I proposed. This goal is in fact fundamental for the achievement of others such as the reduction of the interface for example. In

Forum Rogue Temple I have pointed out that it is not clear from the outset that the console window should be enlarged, so I put a notice on the screen for entry, we hope to serve.

I noticed a bug that I have yet to be analyzed carefully: on some levels all creatures carry all the same equipment. It may have turned out just now because of changes to rescue systems (for managing the dungeons of different sizes).

the moment is everything.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What Happend To Mysore Malligae

Arcan Myth RL 0.2 - 0.1.1 Cave Cave

Just as I did for version 0.1, for this I decided to create a list of objectives to be reached before publication.

The 0.1 actually has rejected a number of specific I had planned, but in return it has achieved more then unexpected, so I feel I can say that this list is not as rigid as I would, but may vary as you progress in development.

features of 0.2 will likely :
  • Creating random dungeon at the first visit of the character
  • Scroll map
  • name attached character
  • Reduce the size of the interface
  • Implementing multiple attack and defense
  • implementation of the type of defense to be taken (block / dodge)
  • Improve the AI \u200b\u200bof the creatures
There would perhaps other things to add but I think there is enough irons in the fire, in this case the random dungeon creation and improvement of the AI \u200b\u200bI think I will carry a lot of time.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sewing Blog Washing Fleece

A first version of the random dungeon generator is ready, but missing some small but crucial elements to integrate into the game. First

lacks a control that determines if the dungeon is closed or not, but I think that will solve this dilemma simply "framing" and closing loopholes that then send him to crush the game. A feature that is missing then artfully placed the stairs to get on and off: it would be good that they were not too close but not too far apart, although on this point I think I have to think a little '.

The great problem of the generation of the dungeon is the placement of doors in the first script the doors were placed along the walls of a room when they met in the corridors, but always get rooms with a string of doors, if opened, would give on a wall. I then documented on rogue ascii basin and dreams and I found several good ideas to improve function. The current result is satisfactory, though vastly improved: a door across the edge is lost yet, but this is inevitable with the creation of ports on the fly, as this can only be improved by adding controls the creator of corridors, but for now I'm not going to improve this method.

prefers to focus on some other details like the stairs or just the traps.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Home Made Car Trailers For Sale

Arcan Myth RL 0.1

is available here the compressed archive with the binary for Debian Linux Ubuntu.

The game works in theory on all linux platforms (tested on Fedora too) but may have some drawbacks depending on the graphics settings console.

For bug report also used the comments of this post.

Friday, February 19, 2010

How To Open Locked American Tourister

Labyrinth 0.9.2 - Permadeath>: -)

We are running out for the publication of the first executable (ie Arcan Myth RL 0.1) and as can be seen here next to the space is ready for download that will be available within days.

I also built a page on the wiki Like Rogue Basin where it will store information specific to the game (since I do not know bad) English.

This latest version sees some tweaks on the colors: the weapons are also colored in the inventory and equipment screens and were stained by all (previously only had some color while the others were white by default).

The latest concerns the introduction of permanent death of the character, since the save file, if any, is removed at the time of death. Of course we have remember that at the level of roguelike this must be considered a feature and not a limit: in fact the second choice gamedesigner this increases the replay value.

Currently my testers are evaluating this release blocker bugs are looking for after the first version will be published, if this were to happen here would end the draft and instead read the Labyrinth Cave project, whose main purpose is to give the game of randomly generated dungeon.

Monday, February 15, 2010

What Causes Throbing Neck Pain?

Hunger and food

between influenza and a number of commitments (including as always Kung Fu Verona ) last week I could not do much, so the new changes to report after tomorrow.

Playing Crawl I realized that a fundamental part of that and many other roguelike is the system of hunger / food.

I have called "fundamental" because those who do not crawl eat, live and die of hunger / starvation and you have to eat quite often, becoming a real pain: at some point the search for food becomes primary and the quest often improvised food deteriorates and is no longer edible. In

sostaza the problem becomes primary and the other devolved gaming action but are more fun and are the ones who most want to gamble.

Angband had a similar system, but if I remember correctly, was just passing out the character by exposing more hazards or saved in and out of the game.

currently do not know if will implement systems to manage hunger and this is because, in essence, during a normal session of the GDR, except under certain circumstances, eating has never been a problem, but rather a pattern of aggregation of the group discussion , discussion and information gathering.

So in my opinion has little sense to include something which will not be any fun and that could stop playing.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Carroll Cable Zip Cord

Labyrinth 0.8.8 - Cool

I approached the release of the publication, I decided to improve the screen refresh.

fact, some testers noted that the constant screen refresh to greatly disturb case of long-acting mode or REST. This effect becomes more evident when instead of playing directly from the console, you try to run the game from xterm or remotely via an SSH connection.

In this version the problem was solved by giving priority to refresh really needed (such as a map for example) and leaving the rest as it was. The operation took away a lot of time and then I could not work up much more.

I changed a little thing in the configuration of the keys by removing the option to press 5 to go down, but will need to stay still.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shooting 35mm In Low Light

Labyrinth 0.8.6 - Technicolor

This week I introduced the colors for the creatures, and I set races, but I'll see later. Also now has a light yellow lantern illuminates the walls and close, giving an effect its "exploration." The creatures are no longer highlight when selected, but underscore: this will change soon will I be right of the cursor of the console.

The window that contains the dungeon has been broadened and, consequently, that the messages, the latter now can no longer "stay within" because it breaks them a check if the case is too long.

creatures open doors according to a probability derived from nature and intelligence of the creature itself.

I have added difficulties the game, but playing another I saw you die like flies: I would not get a similar effect but would prefer something more cautious but also more difficult.

probably soon to put the rule of arcane myth which begin saving throws against death when it falls below half of total hit points.

So yes we will keep an eye on certain values.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Are There Live Descendants Of The Medici

Labyrinth 0.8.2 - The final creature

Version 0.8.2 adds many improvements in speed: the heavy data load everyone before the presentation screen. I upload at this stage the levels, but as soon I have to build the function that builds them randomly, I seems a futile effort.

I added a unique creature, a Darkon, which is located in the bottom of the dungeon, and put the spheroid Narus, then kill her need to succeed in the main quest.

Fixed some bugs on the quest: reload the game after it was resolved as yet appear not resolved.

I also changed the command for throwing weapons (now using 'f' and not 't').

Thanks to testers have also improved the REST command now runs automatically until complete healing or until it is disturbed, I introtto the creature's name when you select with '*' (You see a mummy), I made sure that if you try to go up or down the stairs but they are there to print a warning and correct a few typographical errors (typographical errors that were not at the end).

Creatures are now able to open the doors and then good-bye good night's sleep, the only problem is that all creatures can open the door, so now very often are all open ports.

I re-introduced the locked doors that still does not ever barring the way to the final goal. The traps had a bug and then it popped out one every now and then: Addesso are affixed and are commensurate with the level of depth, so watch out!

I think all next week :-)