A program put together by Hatsumi Sensei in the eighties as a core curricula for beginners, the Ten Chi Jin no Maki Ryaku, the best system ever created to give a martial artist the opportunity to develop his creativity. Without this, no student can truly understand the essence of the teachings of Hatsumi Sensei.
Ryaku The Ten Chi Jin no Maki is based on the three levels of life: sky, earth and man. The man is the connection between earth and sky.
The Ten Ryaku working with distances, angles and movements. Chi Ryaku works with the biomechanical aspect of the various waza that can be applied once Uke reached bulls (gyaku, nage, thorite). The Jin Ryaku is a series of about 50 Waza taken from nine schools to show the interaction of Waza and movements.
a black belt in Bujinkan should be familiar with the Ten Chi Jin no Maki Ryaku, so that each technique shown may appear at the end of a set of key pieces taken from the Ten Chi Jin. Without this basic knowledge you will not be able to go very far in the Bujinkan system. The heart of "kokoro no budo" is in the Ten Chi Jin no Maki Ryaku.
Training in the Dojo is fundamental to the study of the Ten Chi Jin, I remember when I started there were not many resources in Italian can be used as references for the study. Fortunately, with time it started to come out of the material to help in the study of Budo Taijutsu, as the "aircraft technical Budo Taijutsu", remember? I use it and I've shown in the dojo. How could you see this text contains elements that are part of the first part of its Ten Chi Jin no Maki Ryaku, the Ten Ryaku, this is part of the series "Quaderni Technicians Budo Taijutsu "created to meet all the needs of the study of practitioners of our discipline.
But keep in mind that even though your notes are important, we must learn to study the best of our ability, using all means at our disposal.
All this is for us just like learning the alphabet, without knowing the alphabet we are now able to read and write? ...
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