Thursday, April 22, 2010

Audit Sample Size Calculator

Cave 0.4.8 - Do not underestimate the enemy

As I predicted in last week's post these days I concentrated on improving the development of intelligence artificial creatures.

The AI \u200b\u200bis then improved, but it is not the final version, is simply that it is enough for now. Now essentially a creature chasing mr @ to attack without making random movements and also to get past smaller obstacles: However the biggest obstacles blocking creatures, but this will be resolved when I decide to further improve the algorithm. The creatures are also attempting, as far as possible, to avoid each other to focus attacks on the common enemy: I have not added the option to not attack a creature unless it is a prerogative of the creature that attacks, partly because I wire this to the race of the creature same: maybe it's easier for a goblin attacks rather than a centipede another goblin or an orc relative.

I also fixed some minor bugs, such as written rescue corrupt exit from the game and the appearance, seemingly random, new creatures when they were killing each other.

With this improvement culminating in the targeted for 0.2, but as I said I wait before posting to try to offer a greater variety in random dungeons. But I hope that the publication will happen soon, perhaps within two weeks.


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