Thursday, April 29, 2010

What Does A Size 12/14 Woman Look Like

Cave 0.5.9 - Specialization and variety

This week was very productive and all created things have approached the development version of that publication.

Now the game has 4 different types of dungeons, adding variety to the usual standard format only dungeon rooms and corridors. These new models but will not be available in the early levels as make the game more difficult because they allow the creatures to approach the player with ease: perhaps I should limit this aspect but I look some feedback from my testers.

I added new skills for weapons. Basically now you can not use any weapon with the same skills: FIGHT has been relegated to only a bare hand fighting. The skills are added for different types of weapon and have different costs: Little weapons (dagger and knife), Axes (Agree and Axe), Swords (Sword and Short Sword), Sabres (Saber and Scimitar), Maces (Mazza and Morning Star), Pole Weapons (Spear and Halberd) and 2 Hands Weapons (War Hammer, Battle Axe, and Broadsword 2-handed). For bows and crossbows is one skill (Throw). Of course, more is the ability to handle powerful weapons, the greater the cost in terms of points increase, but must be considered that the arms are strongest at lower levels and weapons in two hands does not allow you to use the weapon room. I introduced the Mini-

(control m) where they can see a rough map of the area explored in miniature: this is to be improved to make it more visually pleasing and perhaps give more information about the dungeon itself.

The death of the character is visually in a different way: essentially disappears from the dungeon, and if there will be sources of light, you will see creatures moving around or away from the battle zone. Press ESC to return to the main screen.

Apart from removal of some minor bugs, I think that's all. By now the specifications for the 0.2 have been far exceeded, then I will spend this week doing tests and fixing bugs that I will report. But I hope to publish before next Thursday. We'll see :-)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Audit Sample Size Calculator

Cave 0.4.8 - Do not underestimate the enemy

As I predicted in last week's post these days I concentrated on improving the development of intelligence artificial creatures.

The AI \u200b\u200bis then improved, but it is not the final version, is simply that it is enough for now. Now essentially a creature chasing mr @ to attack without making random movements and also to get past smaller obstacles: However the biggest obstacles blocking creatures, but this will be resolved when I decide to further improve the algorithm. The creatures are also attempting, as far as possible, to avoid each other to focus attacks on the common enemy: I have not added the option to not attack a creature unless it is a prerogative of the creature that attacks, partly because I wire this to the race of the creature same: maybe it's easier for a goblin attacks rather than a centipede another goblin or an orc relative.

I also fixed some minor bugs, such as written rescue corrupt exit from the game and the appearance, seemingly random, new creatures when they were killing each other.

With this improvement culminating in the targeted for 0.2, but as I said I wait before posting to try to offer a greater variety in random dungeons. But I hope that the publication will happen soon, perhaps within two weeks.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Receiver And Motion Dector Transmitter

Cave 0.4.4 - Battle Tactics

This week was much more productive than last, and in fact have been added several features that are going to complete the table that I had written in this post in early March. From this version

holding two weapons, you are entitled to an attack in addition: the ability to ambidexterity however need to bring it effectively, because the last attack will be led with skill by the lower of battle and ambidexterity. This rule is identical to that present in role-playing game Arcan Myth of which I am co-author.

You can also set the type of attack, whether normal or multiplied: in the latter case, you are entitled to two connections (with the main weapon) but the first will have a malus of -2 and -4 in the second. It Therefore, setting the melee attack and holding a second weapon you can make 3 different attacks and skills can make this well-researched mr @ a fearsome warrior.

course was added a control that distinguishes the weapons for which they serve two hands (great weapons or thrown weapons) and the other which is sufficient for one hand.

The random dungeon generation has improved, I have basically eliminated the "doors flying" thus making the most credible underground and thus concludes this part.

At present the only feature that has remained outside the remit of the popular table is the improved AI of the creatures that still account do next week. However I do not think the 0.2 release because I wanted to further improve the part of the random dungeon creation: in fact I'd be able to build other functions for generating different types of dungeons from the usual corridor room, or to ensure that the creation of the rooms used Special instead of the standard.

Anyway I hope will not take much.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bounty Absorption Rate

Cave 0.3.9 - Let us arm ourselves to the teeth

Last week, I have not continued to develop due to a nasty flu that has slowed down the work for this week. Things are still a lot to do, but the publication of 0.2 is not distantissima, I think. These days I

mdoficato the function that generates the dungeon to ensure that corridors are only perpendicular to each other: I considered it well enough before making it final, but playing in a dungeon more "square" seems much more fun than not that that was generated earlier. I also left more space between one room and one for even less confusing.
Another thing is the opportunity to challenge the second weapon, but this can still be used in combat Fortunately, the recent refactoring will allow me to change the combat system in stroke.

feature I'm working on other more "hidden" for convenience when creating or loading of the character.

I hope next week is more productive.