The 40th edition of the International Theatre Festival brings us closer to the other side of the Mediterranean.
The play directed by Moroccan Driss Roukh in search of paradise between immigration and discrimination.
The play directed by Moroccan Driss Roukh in search of paradise between immigration and discrimination.
Review by Tiziana Favero.
The Venice Biennale has proposed this year, from 20 February to 8 March in the review of the International Theatre Festival, more than twenty plays on the theme of the Mediterranean including the work of Driss Roukh, Blade mon pays! One of the most anticipated events of this spectacular sea-lab is the National Theatre Mohammed V of Rabat, who signs off for the first time in Italy, at the Teatro G. Poli in Santa Marta, with this director's Moroccan Driss Roukh the second foreign guest of this Biennale Teatro 2009. Internationally renowned actor (he starred in films such as Syriana, Babel, The Situation), film and theater director said, is one of the artists Roukh most prominent in Morocco.
not be surprised if in Venice has been proposed to deal with a topic as important as Mediterraneus, from the Latin "sea in the midst of the land." Venice, or rather the "Serenissima", immersed and surrounded by small fish these waters, has always been sensitive to these matters that touch the Mediterranean Sea from vicino.Il was in fact always been a source of conflict, but also of bringing nations together and the lands around him, and through human history has been known by several names that bring out all this characteristic of "centrality." There are many themes, ideas, issues that unite and divide, which link to become source of life and death more often. Since the late eighties, the Mediterranean is through the route of migration from Africa to Europe. Each year tens of thousands of economic migrants, refugees and political refugees by sea to reach the Italian coast, Greek and English. According to research conducted by the Centre Fortress Europe on the basis of information found in the international press, from 1988 to 2007 migrants drowned crossing the Mediterranean are at least 8,165 people.
A sea, ours has become, unfortunately, many years of stage performances of improvisation, in which actors of all nationalities, who find in him a meeting, read the part that are forced to interpret according to the bank from which they come. This is the main reason why this 40th edition opened its doors pièces de théâtre from this intersection of a culture of the land and the sea that is Latin, Arabic and Hebrew together and speaks all these languages, breathe oriental perfumes and feeds on religions, opinions and beliefs, music and life styles.
The show, which portrays the young and poor student of Meknes, in a few years has managed to become a reference point for their country, is a cry of accusation at all. Roukh plays primarily with the dialogues with the text that the viewer is hard to follow. He chooses to make his characters speak in Arabic with a Moroccan dialect infused with French. Just in France, in Paris, is set the story of two immigrant brothers Kader (Abdelkebir Regaguena) and Habib (Said Bey), who tell their despair as immigrants, their nostalgia for the country of origin, travel, violence suffered. But they represent two different ways of living and feeling the weight of being a migrant, one repressed in himself good-naturedly accepts the part of the "dirty Arab", the other interprets it in turns sinister and meddling in the criminal underworld. What then was the pain of not being in their own country and of not being accepted in their new one, can not back a loser and can not stay a stranger.
The director uses a subtle satire, for the viewer who does not understand Arabic and is therefore forced to shuttle between the stage and the black screen where the subtitles are projected, and otherwise sharp and clear to the public from the Maghreb. The satire, historically and culturally, answers the need of the human spirit to oscillate between the sacred and the profane , always takes care of important issues, especially politics, religion, sex and death (as stated by Daniele Luttazzi) , and on these proposed alternative viewpoints, and through laughter conveys small truth, sowing doubts, exposes hypocrisy, attacks the prejudices and question beliefs. And that is skilfully brought the work but may not necessarily be taken as an indicator of the degree of democracy in the country. Morocco, which is presented to us comes out from the words that flow like a restless river, Kader drunk and exhausted as the audience laugh at the wonderful performance. It almost seems to paint a picture of concentric circles, moving from a hellish pit to another.
family describes the condition where the money is never enough, his wife and mother does not consume ever quiet and obliging her sinful relationship. Unemployment, work that is not to be sought abroad, in large dream immigration. Is then told the flight from Morocco, the boat trip and the fear of dying, the sense of guilt for having been part of other young countrymen, for having supplied their dream "that night each of them carried the photo of the mother or father , or his brother's girlfriend ... wished happiness ... thought they had chosen the right path, that heaven was close ... did not know that many others had died in the same boat, others imprisoned and tortured ... I did not know the danger that awaited them, the way to paradise was so thorny , that their wings would be burned before take off ... I've deceived, I have made them forget the reality ... " Habib while trying not to feel guilty about his brother reminding everyone what they want to leave, "wanted to die? ... wanted the house, car convertible, and the blue-eyed girlfriend, the money," the money "... wanted to live in France or Italy ... they wanted to live the dream that I had promised! "But the immigrants grow only hatred in the country that receives them, exploits them in their youth, do not accept them, the same hate that show with his brother Habib in a mirror reflection of his face. Immigration, illegal immigration, nostalgia mix and remain in the balance as the immigrant's life that "I have lived hesitant and nervous, between my land and this country dirt and full of hate .. my life wasted to do anything ... all dreams fade away before our eyes today, and can not be realized. Now I know that he was weak, timid, fearful the greatest. "
After a long journey made in their lives, at the end of the last act, Kader reveals his plan to his brother committed suicide and the reasons why "if I can not go back, at least I can stir my spirit with the sun and die. .. fade, return to the earth from which we came ... return to the days of our country, its noise, its colors ... return to Achour, RAMADAN in the district .. the cop who stops you if you let it disturb your sister ... the days of the country are a plague, a disease. Children smoke opium every night, get drunk and sleep on cartons .. the days of our country are days of cold, dust kills the spiders nest on our skin. The bread there but we're hungry, there are the clothes we are naked, but the people are poor ... and others spend millions montone.I eating days of our country ... you right but you can not ask ... is forbidden, not to mention, make no sign, do not raise your hand and not put it down, shut up, you have neither heard nor seen, and I need not say ... do not think so either. In our country, corruption is party by the court, and you can not say anything, if you need anything else I have to give something in return ... in our country we live like flies to poop in the middle. In our the whole country is dirty, you complain and you can not say anything. Some dressed in white and become spokespersons of the religion, they are Muslims and we disbelieve, but the night will find them in the most beautiful bar to drink and swim in the midst of sin. "
in "their" country is a complex, difficult, but always eastern and exotic, fascinating precisely because it lies beyond the sea that we continue to cross. Probably all the records will not be transmitted to his audience, but the important thing is to know at least a different voice, critical, ironic and disillusioned about what the East and the West about what was presented. This is the greatness the show, his goal difficult to achieve, an awareness on the part of Moroccan migrants to abandon their dreams into goals that will not ever what they had promised, and across Europe launched the complaint, accused of racism and violence, but perhaps more seriously guilty of ignorance, of being still a banquet of star at the center of political and economic map of the world, selling even a dream that never come true.
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